Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What the......

WOW, so where to begin?? I feel like I need to write to try and make sense of what has transpired within the last 12 hours. I have a dad.....this has been the man that has dried my tears, kicked my ass, held me close and pushed me out the door all at the right times in my life. He has been the ONLY father/daddy that I have ever known thanks to my mother. See, she was married one time in her life and that was to a man named Wally Osborne. She used to tell me that he wasn't my dad, but he was my brothers dad and that my dad was some guy named Steve and that he was in prison. That was ok with me because like I said, I have a daddy! The majority of you who know me know about my mother so for those of you who don't....well, she committed suicide two weeks shy of my 10th birthday. Please don't feel bad or shed any tears because I am long past it. Anyway when she left she took most of the truth and answers with her, that is until about 10 years ago when the one thing I was missing found brother! I knew about him, I knew his name....well first anyway and I knew that he was younger than me but that was it. You see, she gave him up because she couldn't care for us both. She was going to give us both away but decided at the last minute she wanted me, so she ripped me away from my baby brother after a few years, after we had a bond. A week before he found me I was posting a profile to still use that) and I had decided to add a profile to my heart school......That is how he found me! I should have known then that God was guiding my life! So fast forward to today.......
A few days ago I received a friend request....and I don't usually accept requests from people I don't know but if we have A LOT of the same mutual friends then I accept because I probably do know them I have just forgotten. Well we only had 3, so I denied it. She didn't look familiar, but her name did. Last night I get this message from her and she drops the bomb....she is Wally Osborne's grand-daughter. Are you thinking what I was?? I am this girls Aunt and that I have another sister out there.......Turns out she is Wally Sr's grand, and that Wally Jr was her uncle.......did you catch the was? I did too. First thing I did was call my dad for some answers. I guess when Wally and my mother were separating he didn't want the responsibility nor did she want to deal him so she told the courts he wasn't my father. And he walked away and never looked back.
Are you still with me?? Thank you if you are! I just need to get this out.....I have so much going on inside right now.
Anyway back to it.....So now here I sit with this new info and all these feelings and not knowing what to do. I sent my bro a message telling him to call. Now I think I should have waited to tell him......While this may have been hard for me, its even harder for him. He has a wonderful mother who loves him dearly and family that think the world of him and now there is this.......his past and I am sure a million questions in his brain that he would like answered! I told him that I am going to talk to her.....I won't lie....the questions were too much to keep inside. So we talked...for a few hours. And there were pictures. There is one picture of Wally and his mother and WOW, Emma looks JUST like him. Then the picture that hit me. It was of my mom, Wally and I at 13 months old. That hurt......A LOT!
 Wally Osborne died in 2000 from cancer. He had remarried twice but never had anymore kids, which is a good thing because I don't know how I would have handled finding out about siblings......but the reality is that my brother and I have a WHOLE other family out there that is blood. And someone from that family went looking. I hope that someone has answers to these questions that the two people who should answer them can't! I do believe that my brother and I are entitled to that fact I know we are!